Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Favourite Anti-Heroes

Hi there everyone !

I'm joining Top 5 Wednesday, hopefully I'll be able to stick to it for the most part of the year.
If you don't know what Top 5 Wednesday, it's basically a weekly thing where, every wednesday, you have to find 5 characters/books/authors/genres to fit a specific topic.
You can find more information here.

This week is: favourite anti-heroes.

I had a hard time figuring exactly what a "anti-hero" is, and I'm still not sure I have. But anyway, here are the 5 ones I could think of:

5. Neville Longbottom

4. Peter Pan
3. Hamlet
2. Tyrion Lannister

1. Severus Snape

They are all different types of anti-heroes, in my mind, because they lack the proper characteristics of a typical hero: sense of good & bad, clear motives, positive qualities such as morality. But they all have something in common: their quests and/or actions make them important characters, absolutely necessary to the story, even though they are not the ones you would expect (except for Peter Pan who is the hero as well as an anti-hero).
And, let's face it: they are all pretty badass.

Who are yours? :)


  1. I've come to the conclusion that almost everyone has included Tyrion and/or Snape!
    They are my number 1 and 2 as well!

    Check out my list:

    1. Haha yes, I can understand why ! Snape was the first one that I thought of, for some reason
