Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Top 5 Wednesday - Favourite Jokester Characters

(If you still don't know what Top 5 Wednesday is, check the Goodreads group out !)

Hi guys ! Here we go again with another Top 5 Wednesday !
This week's theme is favourite jokester characters, and here is my list.

Number 5 is Grover from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series ! Whenever Percy is freaking out about something, usually for nothing, I think that Grover is kind of a comic relief. He is the one who comes up with the craziest ideas which end up saving all of them, and I like the way he makes fun of himself (which, I'll give you that, is easy when you have goat legs and hooves). 

Number 4 on my list will probably be Arthur Dent from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I don't know if he can be considered as a jokester as such, but the situation he is in is so crazy and unbelievable in itself that Arthur plays the perfect part of the naive yet distrustful (yes, both at the same time) character. I just love him. 

Number 3 is Ryan Dean from Winger. He is the typical funny, self-conscious, clumsy, awkward teenager, but it just works so well ! The jokes he plays on Chas are wonderful: a bit immature, really, but that's the whole point. 

Number 2 is Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing. Here is a little point about me: I love every Shakespearian character. I think they are all so complex and unique, and they always fit perfectly well in whatever situation they are in. Benedick is wonderful (and can we talk about Kenneth Branagh please?). While Beatrice is a strong feminine character, I think she tends to be a little too serious and self-confident, when Benedick never fails to surprise both the other characters and the audience. And: Keneth Branagh. That in itself could explain why I love him so much

For number 1, you'll probably think I cheated, but I swear I didn't. I chose Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye. I know he isn't a jokester as such, he doesn't play tricks on anyone, but I believe the way he sees the world & adresses people is enough for me to consider him the biggest jokester there is. He acts so weird, and yet everything makes sense; he sees the world both as the hugest joke ever and as a very serious matter. And all this phony thing... Yeah, Holden is the best. 

I voluntarily left out the Weasley Twins because I felt like they were a bit too easy. Of course they're funny, of course their jokes are wonderful, but I didn't feel like including them in here. 


  1. I loved seeing your list. Yes, the Weasley's were too easy, but since I sort of struggled with this topic, they did make my list. I forgot about Grover. He was one of the few high points of the movies, which in my opinion, were not that good.

    1. I completely agree: the PJO movies are horrible, except for Grover who saves the day :)

  2. Arthur Dent is a great choice! I thought about including him on my list. It's such a fun series.

    1. I looove Arthur Dent, especially when he's portrayed by Martin Freeman ;)
